Si necesita ayuda con asesoramiento para procedimientos penales, comuníquese con la embajada de su país.

If you are not a U.S. citizen and you have been arrested in the U.S. contact your country's consulate or embassy for assistance. 

The Embassy may be able to:

  • Provide a list of local attorneys who speak your language
  • Contact the family, friends, or employers of the detained person with their written permission
  • Visit the detained person and provide reading materials 
  • Help ensure that prison officials are providing appropriate medical care 
  • Provide a general overview of the local criminal justice process
  • Inform the person of available resources to assist victims of crime 

The Embassy will not be able to:

  • Get anyone out of jail 
  • State to a court that anyone is guilty or innocent
  • Pay legal, medical, or other fees  

Encuentre su país en esta lista para ubicar la embajada más cercana.

Find your country on this list to locate the your country's embassy.

South Korea  대한민국